
Caboolture Family Support Service (CFSS) AND

Individual Counselling (NCI) Program

CFSS funding provides direct service provision for families who have children (unborn to 18 years) with the purpose of:

Improving the wellbeing and safety of children, young people and their families

Providing families with extra skills to care for and protect their children

Our counsellors use a variety of modalities individually designed to suit your needs.

To prevent entry or re-entry to the statutory child protection system.

Individual Counselling run through NCI program

All our NCI counsellors are volunteers who are qualified professionals.

Our NCI counsellors use a variety of modalities to suit your individual needs.

These services are FREE of charge providing varied counselling approaches


CFSS clients should meet the following criteria:

There is a child/children under 18 living in the home.

The family would benefit from access to family support, intervention and/or referral to specialist support service.

The child/children are not currently under a child protection order.

The client is an individual or couple with or without children

Live within the greater Caboolture area and surrounds

CNC Clients should meet the following criteria:

The family consents to the referral or can refer themselves.

How Can We Help?

Counselling support for you and family members.

Group courses as below - click for details

Address issues eg. child abuse, behavioural problems, grief & loss, addictions, domestic violence, relationship issues, and much more.

This is a professional confidential service. We promote respect and support for those working through immediate and long term issues.


Sign Up for one of our Courses

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Emerging From The Storm - Anger Management

Anger control & behavioural change course for adults


Building On Woman's Strengths (B.O.W.S)

Supporting and empowering woman to establish effective relationships.


Parenting Skills Course

Providing a caring and non-judgemental environment in which to learn new skills.


Dad's on a Journey

Behavioural change for Dads who need to communicate effectively with their partners & children


Bursting Angry Bubbles

Anger control & behavioural change course for children & young people


Bubbles in School

School based anger control & behavioural change course for children

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Bubbles Kids Cooking

Cooking course for children to enable reconnection with the family

Funded By


Support Hours

Monday to Thurs: 8am - 4pm

Friday 8am - 3pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Contact Information

9 George St - Caboolture


07 5495 3818