Confidentiality & Grievance


The Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre has policies and procedures in place to ensure that your privacy and confidentiality is protected, unless there are serious moral or legal requirements to the contrary.

All management committee members, staff, volunteers and students are bound by a Declaration of Confidentiality.

At all times the Neighbourhood Centre will aim to balance your rights to maintain control over your personal information with its various moral, legal, and professional obligations.

Only information that is necessary and directly related to the service being provided by the Neighbourhood Centre will be collected from you.

Individuals have a general right of access to their own personal information after their identity is confirmed, and the right to have that information corrected if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

Grievance Policy

All service users, staff and volunteers are free to raise any issues they may have regarding the Neighbourhood Centre. Every effort will be made to resolve these issues. The Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre welcomes and encourages this opportunity to continually improve it’s service.

The Centre will make every effort to establish an atmosphere of trust and open communication so that issues are dealt with in a constructive way.

The following procedure will take place.

1. The Parties will attempt to resolve the matter between themselves in the first instance and will have the opportunity to be accompanied by a friend, case worker or advocate.

2. If unresolved, either party will notify the CEO who will attempt to resolve the issue, or the President of the Management Committee if the issue concerns the CEO.

3. Should the issue remain unresolved a grievance committee will then be convened within 5 working days.

4. All grievances will be fully documented with outcomes reached and method of resolution notified in writing to all parties at the meeting.

5. If the issue remains unresolved, parties have the right to take this matter further.

6. All information regarding complaints by an individual will be treated with respect and confidentiality by all persons involved.

7. All complaints outside the jurisdiction of the Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre will be referred to the appropriate agency or author

Interpreting Service

Where it is identified that there may be difficulty communicating with a client in English, staff can arrange to access free telephone interpreting services.

We Value Your Feedback

The Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre welcomes information, feedback and suggestions from clients which will enable us to improve the quality of our services.

General feedback can be given using the Suggestions/Complaints Form.

Clients have the right to complain about the service they are receiving and can expect complaints to be dealt with fairly, promptly and confidentially. A formal complaint should be put in writing using the Client Complaint Form after speaking with the Centre’s CEO.