Emerging From the Storm
7 Week Course

Giving into anger can damage your health. Research indicates that unmanaged anger increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and digestive problems. Anger has also been linked to insomnia, increased anxiety, skin problems and stroke. On the other hand though, suppressing anger can also be damaging. Anger that is allowed to fester can be like a disease that harms you from the inside, for example, you could develop a cynical or critical attitude. Such a spirit would make you hard to live with and could seriously harm your relationships.
So what can you do?
Emerging From The Storm (EFTS) is a seven week program designed to help people who are struggling to express their anger. Anger is a normal human emotion, but when it starts to impact a persons life and their actions, it can become problematic. Our objective is to assist participants to identify the source or triggers and learn alternative strategies for expressing themselves in a safe way.

The cycle of Anger
Response versus Reaction
Strategies for dealing with anger
Relaxation and Mindfulness
Keeping on track - identify our anger signals
2025 Dates
Term 1: 6th February to 20th March
Term 2: 1st May to 12th June
Term 3: 17th July to 28th August
6.00 pm till 8.00 pm Thursday nights
$80 per term.
Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre
Ph: 5495 3818 or please click "Enquire Now"