Free Tax Help Available


The Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre provides a free service to help community members complete and lodge their Income Tax Return.

Check the criteria below to see if you are eligible for this free service

Eligibility Criteria

Income is around $60k or less

You are not a contractor, sole trader or run your own business

You do not have partnership or trust matters, sell shares or have an investment property

You do not have CGT (Capital Gains Tax)

You do not own a rental property

You did not receive royalties

You did not receive distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund

What Should I Bring

Please bring the following:

*Your Gov User ID & password

Tax File number

*An assessment from any of the last five years that was issued before 31st May 2025

*Your bank account details

*Your Medicare & private health fund details

*Bank statements showing the interest received

*PAYG payment summary

*Payment Summary from super funds

*Details of all income

When & Where

Free Service

Dates & times TBD


Caboolture Neighbourhood Centre

9 George Street



Bookings Essential; Call us at (07) 5495 3818