Key's to Early Intervention in Homelessness Service

Receipt of a Remedy of Breach/Notice to Leave
Changes to your family/household causing significant concern
Relationship problems
Financial difficulties
Communication with your landlord or agent
Changes to employment
Concerns with substance use
Concerns with gambling
Physical or mental health concerns
Changes to household income
If so we can help!
Give you information about housing and related matters
Assist you to make contact with other services, such as financial counselling, legal, parenting and relationship services
Advocate on your behalf with relevant services with your consent
Inform you about your rights and responsibilites as a tenant
Provide individually focused case management support
Provide assistance to plan and achieve your goals
Assist with strategies for dealing with anger and frustration
Provide living skills/personal development support

If you are experiencing difficulty in sustaining your tenancy
please contact us locally on
PH: 0448 413 141
or KYABRA on
PH: (07) 5441 3837