Help for Homeowners & Renters

Come down to 9 George St - Caboolture during these hours:
Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 1:30pm
Or We Can Come To You!
Supporting The Community
The unprecedented flood event in February 2022 created huge financial, psychological and emotional impact on those affected.
We are here to help the community recover and can provide assistance to access financial aid, to support you emotionally and provide referral to other aid organizations if needed.
We Can Help With:
Advice & Information
Referral to other Agencies
Counselling Therapist
Food Hampers
Assistance with remaining Federal Government Grants
Phone: 07 5495 3818 to make an appointment to see our Community Resilience Workers